Heroic Husbands Men's Circles:

Online married men's group supporting you up level to Hero Husband status

Go from fearing your best will never be good enough to becoming the competent & confident husband she brags about.

The #1 reason 50% of marriages end in divorce  with up to 90% being filed by wives:
husbands lone-wolfing without support hoping the disconnect changes: it doesn't!

Guesswork and Frustration

Communication Breakdowns

Sexless Marriages

Best Never Good Enough

Deepening Disconnection

Family Disharmony

Good intentions count for nothing: you will lose in marriage if you don't have accountability, support and challenge from other men on the same path.

It's a fact -- husbands armed with proven relationship strategies AND accountability thrive in marriage. In Heroic Husbands Men's Circles you will learn uncommon self-mastery in marriage and become the unapologetic heart warrior your wife has only fantasised about.

Save yourself years of needless guesswork and confidence destroying disconnection.

  • Upgrade your marriage and life in a systematic way and know you're doing it right.  
  • Reach marriage mastery levels in connection, communication and attraction.
  • Build communication competence to create immediate harmony during conflict ensuring your wife feels safe and you have your truth listened to.
  • Arm yourself with the key secret to mastering the art of life-long sexual attraction that 99.9% of husbands don't know!
  • Obliterate self-doubt as you connect with your unwavering truth, unlimited power and radical confidence as a man in marriage.
  • Set and achieve the most inspiring vision for your married life together.

10X Your Relationship Results in 3 Simple Steps 

2. Find an available time that works for you.

3. Exit each meeting a better man, husband and lover!

Your Heroic Husbands circle includes:

  • Weekly* two hour Zoom meetings with facilitation from Mark Usher. *Cycle = 3 weeks on, 1 week off.  
  • Weekly and quarterly challenges to help you expand your limits, energy and power in marriage and life.
  • Private circle & global chat forums for round the clock support and connection with other powerful men.
  • Weekly partnered accountability locking in relentless relationship progress as your new marriage norm.
  • Emotional Regulation & Communication Mastery weekly training.
  • Shadow work to connect you with radical confidence to speak your truth as a husband.

Sceptical?  GOOD 


  1. 1
    Circle Code Agreement: every man agrees to our Code of Conduct ensuring every man is honoured, seen and heard in an impeccably safe space allowing explosive growth and progress to happen. 
  2. 2
    Commitment Agreement: no test-the-waters-toe-dipping BS, only men deeply committed to doing whatever is necessary for getting their marital shit together gain entry, so you know you're entering the right space.
  3. 3
    Zero-Shame Agreement: Marriage Up-Shit-Creek Ground Zero starting points are perfect. Confidence building hyper-focus on what makes you, your marriage and expanded married life progress is the only aim.

Praise for the Heroic Husbands Approach

"What you have created here is what I have been searching for for years. The culture, accountability, raw and real honesty is stripping layers from me. The insights and openings that have come in the last 2 weeks have been mind blowing. I am so grateful and the truth is in the open love that is following with my queen. Thank you"

Brendan Savage - Sydney, Australia
- Heroic Husbands Men's Circle member (testimonial just 2mths into membership!)

"After trying several other programs, this is 100% the best marriage self-help approach that I've come across. Nothing else has made anywhere near the massive difference in such a short period of time.

One of my challenges has been a feeling of distance between my Queen and me, but since joining Heroic Husbands it’s like I’m in a whole new marriage. There’s more spark and playfulness, and way less tension in our house and between us. My Queen feels safer around me and softens into my presence. We’re having deeper conversations, closer connection, better sex. I’ve honestly never felt more in love or happier with our relationship than I do now.

By becoming a safer and more trustworthy husband and father, I am becoming safer and more trustable for myself. And that feeling of self-trust is translating to more confidence and deepening self-esteem.

Joining the movement, you're going to see that effect spread out into every area of your life, into all your relationships, with family, with friends and co-workers.  It's fucking fantastic!"

Duane Kennedy - Canada
- Heroic Husbands Men's Circle member

This shit works. Out of all my years and the things I’ve done this has helped me the fastest in the shortest period of time. Maria has said to me in the short amount of time I’ve been doing it, the positive changes she has noticed in me.
This has given me so many tools to work with. I look forward to doing it for a long time to come."

Dean Hoag - USA
- Heroic Husbands Men's Circles member  

No matter where you are in your marriage this group creates an ownership that lays the foundation for a King to move forward in any relationship. I am gaining a better understanding of working from within rather than focusing on what I am going without. My wife and I are reaching levels of conversation that I did not think I was capable of prior to joining this group: Strong back, soft front - enough said.

Some of the personal benefits are being more open to other’s perspectives outside of my own, I’m taking responsibility and having it reciprocated and I’m recovering from tough conversations faster.

The men that I have met by being a part of this group is one of the main benefits. Strong men that can hold accountability and understanding to a high standard.

If you are looking to take your life to another level, you can’t do it alone. It takes a team of brothers to help support and guide one another. I was hesitant to join but now that I am here, there is no way I can go back."

Andrew Grist-  USA - Husband and father of 2
- Heroic Husbands Men's Circles member 

I joined to improve my marriage but the ultimate gains are in my personal domain.

 Mark has given me tools to take control of my life which has done beautiful things in my marriage.

 The brotherhood is the most valuable thing about the circle. It’s like a life master-mind.

 I have a network I can call throughout my day or week to challenge and empower me to best practices.

 Like a black belt master Mark has prepared a dojo where I am grappling with my shadow and becoming a fucking badass king of this earth.

 This is the Jiu-Jitsu mat of your deep soul.

 This is an investment in yourself that you will never regret.

Ty Humphries-  USA - Husband and father of 3
- Heroic Husbands Men's Circles member (testimonial just 4 months in!) 
Mark Usher

Creator of
"Heroic Husbands Men's Circle"

About Mark

Hitting a major marital breakdown or breakthrough moment in 2020, Mark was forced to do profound inner work to radically upgrade his marriage. His "Be The Husband She Brags About" podcast and coaching, have been supporting husbands globally to create deep connection, harmonious communication and hot attraction in their marriages.

Join Heroic Husbands Men's Circles

  • Imagine your wife's face knowing you're a better man, husband and lover after every meeting!
  • You know your wife's 3 Foundational Relationship Needs and how to meet them predictably.
  • You confidently create red hot attraction, deep connection and easy communication as her trust in you soars.
  • Your courageous investment has allowed you access Hero Husband status.

Leave Things Well Enough as They Are

  • Imagine your wife's face as she slips further into hopelessness that her marriage experience can ever improve.
  • Your good intentions still leave her deepest needs unmet on a daily basis.
  • You are still relying on guesswork and your usual approaches in the hope she'll magically be satisfied...she's not!
  • You play it safe, save your money, change nothing....and funnily enough, nothing changes.

Less expensive than Marriage Therapy with X10 Better Results! 

€149/mth -
DON'T MISS Special Introductory Price - Ends January 2025 (becomes €199/mth)

  • Better communication
  • Better sex
  • Better Connection
  • More passion
  • More confidence
  • More Laughter together


Fully Protected by Our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee.


We base everything we do on creating epic Marriage Transformation results. If, for any reason, you don't experience the results you desire, you can get a full refund at the 3-month mark after your purchase. If you have any issues, just get in touch with your circle leader and they'll either help you out until you get the results you need or give you a swift refund.
(For T&C see FAQ section)

Frequently Asked Questions

What times are the meetings held?

How much time will involvement in the circle take?

Do I have to attend all circle meetings?

Will there be a replay afterwards?

What if I can't make some meetings or have to miss a month - What happens my payment?

What's the difference in the content of the Heroic Husbands men's circles and the Be The Husband She Brags About podcast?

Money-Back Guarantee Terms & Conditions

I have more questions. Who should I talk to?

P.S.: Don't miss out on this chance to become the Marriage Transforming Hero of your relationship! Imagine the inner peace and confidence seeing deepening connection, communication and red hot attraction as your new norm in marriage!!! 

Apply to join - book your Free Discovery Call! 
