Be The Husband She Brags About. 

Become the Marriage Transforming Hero in your Relationship Today

Coaching and tools to be the heroic husband your wife loves, kids respect and friends admire.

 Husbands Experience "The Impossible Demands Monster":

  • Overwhelming demands mixed with women wanting more from husbands than ever before. 
  • Frustration dealing with their wives' irrationality and criticisms. 
  • Long droughts of intimacy where endless responsibilities come first and sex comes last. 
  • Loves his wife but fears he hasn't got what it takes to make his marriage work. 
  • Feeling guilty that their greatest freedom and inner peace is experienced walking out the door going to anywhere but being at home.   
  • They have a body that’s out of shape, weak, sedated and completely void of anything near the wild aliveness they remember having as younger men.   

3 Easy steps to Hero husband Status TOday!


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Enjoy Hero Husband Status

Armed with what works, you're in the driving seat! 

save yourself years of guesswork risking divorce or worse...Married unhappily ever after

We teach men to lead with radical authenticity as their woman trusts them above every other man alive.

We show you clear, easy-to-implement next steps to creating an amazing relationship with your wife.

We help you focus on what works to master marriage & passionate intimacy in the complexity of modern living.

This shit works! Out of all my years and the things I’ve done this has helped me the fastest in the shortest period of time. Maria has said to me in the short amount of time I’ve been doing it, all the positive changes she has noticed in me.
This has given me so many tools to work with. I look forward to doing it for a long time to come. 

Dean Hoag

Heroic Husband Men's Circle member

Mark set me daily practices in addition to direct feedback in our weekly calls, and there were noticeable moments of change in myself and the relationship, even within the first two/three weeks. Impending conflicts, headed off at the pass, a deeper sense of trust from my wife and a new depth of dialogue and support for me to meet my own needs.  Mark supported a crucial transformation in me and my marriage, and I’m forever grateful."

Callum Stenning

Coaching Client

"The thing Mark does better than anyone I have come across is combining his deep, embodied knowledge of masculine and feminine relationship with an incredible passion and sincerity. He is a great teacher who sees me, educates and inspires me. I feel reconnected to my heart’s wisdom - getting out of my head and into my body and with a much clearer vision for myself and my family.

Tom Crate

Heroic Husband and Fearless Father,

Mark Usher

Creator of
"Heroic Husbands Men's Circle"

Meet Your Guide

Hitting a major marital breakdown or breakthrough moment in 2020, Mark was forced to do profound inner work to radically upgrade his marriage. His "Be The Husband She Brags About" podcast and coaching, have been supporting husbands globally to create deep connection, harmonious communication and hot attraction in their marriages.

If i offered to share with you the marriage strategies and habits that will have your wife bragging about you, Would you take me up on that offer?

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